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797 Tpr W. P. Watters, 3rd NZMR Contingent

QSA - 3rd NZMR - Watters - DoD 1900

  • Queen's South Africa Medal w/clasps 'Cape Colony', 'Transvaal', 'Orange Free State' issued to the next-of-kin of 797 William Patterson Watters, 3rd NZMR Contingent. Watters died of disease on 22nd June 1900 at Johannesburg and is buried in Johannesburg (Braamfontein) Cemetery.


    William Watters was born in Dungannon, County Tyrone, Ireland in January 1876. He was working as a miner at Rimu, Westland, and living with his uncle, Alexander Watters, when he volunteered for service in South Africa. He embarked with the 3rd NZMR Contingent on 17th February 1900 on the S.S. Knight Templar. William Watters died of disease - most likely enteric fever, at Johannesburg.


    Note, some official records have his name as Walters, but this is incorrect. Unfortunately the medal roll also records his name as W P Walters, and it is this name that is impressed on the medal. The medal is correctly impressed 797 Pte W. P. WALTERS. N. Z'LAND R.R.

    Medal clasps are confirmed on WO100/294

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