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This site is run by collectors to provide a sales outlet for items from personal collections as an alternative to on-line auction sites. We undertake to list your items, add value through research where possible, and to provide a link between sellers and buyers.
We are not licensed second-hand dealers, and so we will not purchase items to be sold through the website - we operate on a commission basis only.
We hope you find something of interest here at Zealandia Medals. Please get in touch if you have something to list or would like to discuss any aspect of your collection. Please read the Terms and Conditions on our Contact page for ordering details.
Email: Zealandiamedals@gmail.com
New Blog Post - The 24th Cross
This is the story of the replacement New Zealand Cross which, until this research was carried out, was believed to the original. This article shows that the original New Zealand Cross to Antonio Rodriguez may still be out there - somewhere! Have a read.
Featured Item
NZMR Officers QSA and NZEF BWM
The Queen's South Africa Medal w/ five clasps and British War Medal awarded to Captain John Haselden who served two tours in South Africa and in the UK during WW1